Hello Foolios,
Have you ever wanted to know what days and times Seniac streams? well here is a list of when the fool goes live!
Seniac Stream Times
Every Wednesday - 6PM GMT
Every Saturday - 6PM GMT
SeniacTwo Stream Times
Every Tuesday - 6PM GMT
*Note streams are subject to change, if you are ever unsure click the links to view the channel and see the time and day of the next stream scheduled.
Special Donation Alerts: (All are in US dollars or the equivalent converted into another currency (use google)) $1.99 - Bing Chilling $2.22 - Fart $3.33 - FBI Open Up $4.44 - Halo $6.66 - Scary scream 1 $9.99 - Peppa Pig $14.99 - Mr Blobby $16.66 - Scary Scream 2 $22.22 - Door Knock $23.33 - Thomas The Tank Engine $33.33 - Rick Roll $36.66 - Scary Scream 3 Some of them are quite load so you may want to turn your volume down if you're wearing headphones (particularly for you Seniac)!
And the last Seniac (main channel) stream of the month is the all member stream, where all channel members can join in the game Seniac is playing. Other than that, in (almost) all Roblox streams, only God Fool (highest tier) channel members can join in the game.